Thursday 23 December 2010

Almost done

Finally started the Christmas shopping yesterday and got most of my presents. Only need to buy for mam dad and my brother,cause me and my friends always agree not to spend out hard earned (yeah) and limited cash and just have a little get together instead (which we had last night.) Bought Mam and Dad a CD each then got Mam a Clinique mascara and Dad some slippers. There already wrapped and under the tree. Still don't know what to get my brother. Suggestions of what to buy a 22 year old would be appreciated.

I also bought myself The Grinch on DVD. It was only £3 after all and I've been wanting it for ages. I Then got out of HMV, after making the parents stand outside so I could get their presents, told my mam I'd bought it and her face kind of dropped. She'd bought me it for xmas. Bummer.

Also bought these lovely River Island shoes and this top to wear on Christmas Day.



  1. brilliant shoes!!!!! i love them so much. hope you have a good christmas.

  2. Hayhay!
    How are you? Your blog is great and I love your style! I'm glad that I've visited yours.

    Please, check mine, & maybe we can follow eachother? + join my giveaway!

    Thanks and love,
    Cindy from


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